Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas to all!

So tis' the season to be jolly? hm. Why be jolly when you can be absolutely ecstatic? I went through my presents today and was smiling broadly at the items I have received. Articles of clothing one could ONLY find in Nigeria! I cannot wait to strut around my room with that thing on. Bright blue with intricate designs on the front. I also got some cologne! not just any cologne, but success cologne! It smells really nice. Now I'm enjoying running through my music library and making beats to use later in garageband. If you all got something nice, share it! especially if it's something you've been waiting on for a long time. speaking of which... i should upload a wishlist on here. just in case I get lucky.
The thought for the day. Carpe Diem.
A latin phrase, i think, that means "seize the day". If there's any day you should seize, it is today! today? today! as in xmas today!
more to come. in the meantime, enjoy your holidays :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...Nigeria. Nice.