Friday, November 21, 2008

Gay Marriage

Gay marriage. It's seems to have become such a huge topic among us. There was recently a ban on gay marriage. This ban is very upsetting and makes me question the moral direction this country is taking. "The land of the free". That is what we call the United States. It's written in the songs I used to have to sing before class in middle school. Every day, the song was sung. To be honest, I never actually sang the song, but I stood. I stood because I got the hint that people have fought and died to set up this country. This country where it is stressed that one can live in freedom and fulfill the "pursuit of happiness". But how?
How can anyone believe that gay marriage should be even a subject to vote on?
It wasn't that long ago when interracial couples couldn't get married either. My parents wouldn't have been able to be together. Obama's parents couldn't have been together!
Hearing about these bans sound very "un-american" to me.
I really don't see what the issue is with homosexuality. We are all people. They are people too. We all have rights, as citizens of the land of the free. They are citizens too.
If there is anything to blame, it would be to blame the influence religions have on a governing system meant to accommodate people with various creeds.
I saw Religulous in theatres not too long ago and was astounded at a section about Bush's supporters. Some were voting just because of bush's religious affiliation.
It's so strange... You'd think people would get it the way did after having the anthem drilled into their heads every morning before class.
Obama got the message.
I'm extremely anxious for his term to begin.
Change is here.
Perhaps now our country will be put in the path it was meant to follow. we shall see

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